Tuesday 3 November 2009


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Current mood: aggravated

Still not received the script through but have been having great fun watching my old movies. I had a few in my personal archive but had to go down to the video store to find the rest. Luckily they were all in the bargain bin so I was able to pick them up for a dollar or two and now they're mine for keeps!

I invited some pals over for a film night, but sadly they all had prior engagements or sudden crises they had to deal with. So it was that I sat alone on my sofa with a bowl of potato chips by my side, and a can of root beer in my hand. Except I hadn't put the first cassette in the VCR so I had to get up and insert it. Now I was able to sit back down. Except I sat in the bowl of potato chips. I tell you, they should come with a warning. Some of those chips are sharp!

First movie I watched was Alien Menace. Basically the plot concerns this guy who makes crank phone calls, but it turns out he's an alien that feeds off peoples exasperation and anger. Its a pretty dumb movie if I'm honest but I have this great cameo as Dr. Heinrich Feinleiner. I'm like the authority on Aliens and stuff. I fast-forwarded to my scenes. Not because I am vain but because I only had a few hours until my Wife got back from her Poker game.

Next up was Hunt Scar Warrior, a story about a guy who had been at a fancy dress party dressed as a Stag, got drunk and subsequently lost in the woodlands surrounding the place the party was happening. The next morning, still under the influence of alcohol he staggers (STAGgers... geddit?) through the woods moaning and groaning loudly. Some early bird hunters spot the guy from a distance, he looks like a Stag, sounds like a Stag and they can even detect the faint odor of musk in the air. So they do what comes naturally to people like themselves and shoot the bejesus outta the guy.

When they get to the spot the Stag fell, all they find is a patch of blood, some fur and a Reebok training shoe. And so is set a tale of bloody retribution as the guy becomes the Hunt Scar Warrior. Seeking out his would be killers and meeting out some good old-fashioned justice!Of course I played one of the five hunters in this movie. The other four were played by Jed Ithuraternov, Bing Crispin, Jack Drewton and Laurence Fishcake. We all died in really cool ways in that movie! I won't say how as it may spoil your enjoyment.

Finally I just had time to watch The Clawed Creeper which is about this thing thats got claws and creeps around. This was one of my very first movies and again it was a bit of hand acting. In close ups, my hand was the creatures Claw. I got to grab a number of lovely actresses on that movie. Unfortunately I also had to also grab Viking Strong's ass. He was playing a cop and is taken by surprise when he thinks he has killed the creature and is turning to walk away...

I'll have to attack the other movies another night as my Wife came home wreaking of booze and stinking of cigarette smoke. I banished her to the summerhouse. I'm not sleeping with someone who smells like a Brothel. Not that I know what one of those smells like. I'd just like to make that clear...

Currently listening : Long Distance Voyager by The Moody Blues. Release date: By 25 October, 1990
9:43 AM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Wasn't Jack Drewton in "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!?" or am I confusing him with another actor?

Posted by Richard on Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 11:51 AM

Charles Wynford Lodge
I think you may be mildly confused. I don't recall Jack being in that movie but then I don’t recall much about him at all. Except he had a wooden finger on his left hand that he liked to try and keep hidden on camera.

He was a pretty strange fella actually. I do remember him telling us the story about how he lost the finger. According to him he was out bird-watching one day and was just slipping his hand round the side of a tree when he felt something clamp down on his finger. He'd only gone and stuck it into a Beaver's mouth. I think thats what he said anyway. Out of respect for mother nature he had his missing finger replaced with a wooden one fashioned from the wood of the tree the Beaver was munching on. Of course he'd had to pommel the Beaver with his binoculars first before he could get to the tree again...

He died a few years ago. I think he drowned when a dam burst up river from his log cabin home. The only thing they found was his finger...

Posted by Charles Wynford Lodge on Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 3:07 PM

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